PhD Conference on Sustainable Development, 24 September 2024
New ideas are needed to address complex societal challenges. On 24 September 2024, the Lund University PhD Conference on Sustainable Development encourages interdisciplinary collaboration to advance academic research on sustainability. It's a space to share ideas, learn, and explore.

This year’s theme: Societal transformation and the University
The Agenda 2030 Graduate School has organized three PhD conferences on sustainable development, each highlighting a specific theme. The next conference will take place on 24 September 2024 on the theme of Societal transformation and the University.
Work on questions relating to sustainable development at universities is about shaping the future or contributing towards societal transformation. How knowledge production can contribute to a different tomorrow is, however, far from clear or uncontested. This year's theme invites participants to "dig where they stand" with a view to highlighting plurality, difference and imagination on the topic of how work at universities can contribute to societal transformation.
The day will start with a plenary session on this year’s theme with speakers from different parts of the university (speakers to be announced).
We will then continue with presentations, workshops and other activities by doctoral students. All PhD students at Lund University with an interest in sustainable development, broadly conceived, are welcome to join!
The aim with the conference is to showcase ongoing research and networking opportunities for PhD students from the whole university. It will be a space to meet and share ideas and research, and hopefully strengthen existing as well as generate future collaboration across disciplines, departments and faculties.
Welcome to register for the PhD Conference on Sustainable Development. It is a full day conference on 24 September, but it is also possible to participate during parts of the day. The deadline for registration is 16 September 2024.
Register here - Registration for the PhD Conference on Sustainable development 24 September 2024
The call for proposal submission has closed.
We invite panels, papers, posters and other activities of your choice. You can propose whole panels of fellow PhD students discussing research papers, or roundtable panels on a specific topic or theme. You can organise a knowledge sharing session, a walk and talk, submit an individual paper or poster, propose an artistic/cultural activity, an exhibition, living labs, videos or anything else. Feel free to experiment!
We will provide a meeting space with opportunities for conference participants to meet, network and exhibit their work, performance or poster. If you need support or have practical questions about how to organise different activities, we can give some support.
The deadline for submissions is 22 August 2024.
There is no conference fee.
The conference will be a full-day event held on 24 September 2024 at the Faculty of Law, Lilla Gråbrödersgatan 4, Lund.
About the organiser
The Lund University PhD conference on Sustainable Development is organized by the Agenda 2030 Graduate School at Lund University, a cutting-edge research school and collaborative platform for issues related to societal challenges and the 2030 Agenda for sustainable development.